downtown riverside

Riverside’s Fox Theater restoration in pictures

Long-time Riverside photographer, Michael J. Elderman, has spent nearly 3 years photographing the restoration of downtown Riverside’s Fox Theater as it transforms into the 1,600 seat Fox Performing Arts Center. Riverside’s Fox Theater:An Intimate PortraitMichael J. Elderman Hired by the restoration’s project manager to visually capture the massive renovation of the Fox, Elderman soon realized…

Tracing the Riverside roots of Security Pacific National Bank

Prior to its 1992 merger with then San Francisco-based Bank of America, Los Angeles-based Security Pacific National Bank had become one of the nation’s largest banking institutions. It also had several branches — and deep roots — in and around Riverside. In April 1973, Security Pacific National Bank (SPNB) opened an 11-story branch/office tower in…

Get Downtown! Riverside Restaurant Week returns

Riverside Greater DowntownFine Dining Group Earlier this week, seven downtown area restaurants again rolled out the red carpet to showcase the city’s growing collection of unique dining establishments as part of the second annual Riverside Restaurant Week. The event, which has expanded to 2 weeks, began this past Sunday night with a special fund-raising event…

The future? More vertical, more density — less housing tracts

After decades of nearly unfettered sprawl, the time has come to seriously begin changing the basic developmental patterns of Inland Southern California. 2006Corona PointeCorona 2006Crossroads Corporate CenterMurrieta Ontario Downtown RiversideMetroPacific Properties, LLC Gone should be the days of leap-frogging, low-density development. In its place, should come more balance, both in densities and in types. More…