We’re back! Well, sorta …

2024 UPDATE: After remaining dormant since June 2014 — due in part to a multi-year, out-of-state relocation — RaincrossSquare.com has been resurrected (May 2024). Initially, the site will serve as an archive for content produced from 2003-2014, with some repackaging and minor updates (plus a few corrections as noted in the respective posts). Some functions — such as photo galleries and various text/photo links — may not be available initially, with plans to restore when possible in the near future.
Going forward, the site will again begin producing limited content, primarily from the context of local history. Plans include revisiting some pages of our book, Riverside — Then & Now (Arcadia Publishing), and see what has changed — or in many cases, has not changed — in the years since being published in October 2009 (think along the lines of Then & Then & Now). We may also revisit past posts/topics that deserve major or moderate updates in an entirely new post — and maybe even from/with a new perspective.