Then & Now

Circa 1920s - Riverside County Courthouse (Museum of Riverside)

Then & Now – Riverside County Courthouse

Considered one of the finest examples of Beaux Arts Classical architecture in the nation, the Riverside County Courthouse is a gem among civic buildings. Designed by Franklin Pierce Burnham of the architectural firm of Burnham and Bliesner of Los Angeles, the 1903 courthouse is patterned after the Grand Palais (Grand Palace) from the 1900 Universal…

Rebuilding Riverside Plaza

Rebuilding Riverside Plaza

Last summer, the early stages of demolition began at the Riverside Plaza. This past week, the last remaining buildings — outside of the spared Harris-Gottschalks department store — were finally brought down. A noteworthy change to Riverside’s oldest mall, which originally opened as an outdoor mall in three stages between June 1956 and September 1957…