Riverside’s Fox Theater restoration in pictures

Long-time Riverside photographer, Michael J. Elderman, has spent nearly 3 years photographing the restoration of downtown Riverside’s Fox Theater as it transforms into the 1,600 seat Fox Performing Arts Center.

Riverside’s Fox Theater:
An Intimate Portrait

Michael J. Elderman

Hired by the restoration’s project manager to visually capture the massive renovation of the Fox, Elderman soon realized he had the makings for a book. As such, he began planning “Riverside’s Fox Theater: An Intimate Portrait,” a new, self-published book of his that is expected to become available in mid-December (just in time for January’s debut of the new Fox).
On Monday night, Nov. 9th, a photographic exhibit based upon the book will open at La Sierra University with a reception at the university’s Brandstater Gallery beginning at 6 p.m. In addition to Elderman’s exhibit, the reception will include related discussions and presentations.
Admission to both the reception and exhibit, which runs through December 10th, is free. The university is located at 4500 Riverwalk Parkway, about a mile north of the 91 Freeway in southwestern Riverside.
In mid-December, Elderman’s exhibit will shift to the Riverside Art Museum in downtown Riverside, where Elderman plans to offer the Fox book for sale during a special book signing event.
The nearly $30 million renovation of the Fox Theater is part of the city’s $1.68 billion “Riverside Renaissance” plan, which includes everything from railroad grade separations and general city infrastructure (roads, sewers, etc.) to new/refurbished parks and cultural amenities.



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